Tuesday, August 02, 2005

I guess it's all a matter of priorities.

Apparently, a few people are getting a mite impatient:

[Iraq's] draft constitution is due Aug. 15, but the committee writing it may ask for a delay of up to six months if it's not ready by then. A decision on whether an extension is needed will be made on Monday, committee chairman Humam Hamoudi said.

[U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald] Rumsfeld warned that a delay would be "very harmful" to the momentum that's necessary to get the work done.

Ah, yes ... this would be pressure to finish a brand spanking new national constitution within the next 13 days, coming from someone whose administration still, after two years, hasn't figured out who exposed a covert CIA operative.

Sometimes the jokes just write themselves.


Lynne said...

Have you seen the story of the American soldier looking for a home in Canada? I hope the Canadian government will find a way to give him shelter:


CC said...

Millenium bomber came from Canada.

Any more and you'll all have some real hard reasons to hate Americans.

Interesting logic, let's see where we can go with that.

Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh grew up in New York, so I'm assuming you're all up for dropping a nuke or two on New York, yes?

And McVeigh was a decorated veteran of the U.S. Army based on his service during the first Gulf War. Fucking U.S. Army -- just a breeding ground for homicidal maniacs that should be leveled, is that what you're saying?

And after leaving the Army, McVeigh lived in Junction City, Kansas. Whoops. Buh bye, Junction City, do I understand you correctly?

Debating the wingnut demographic -- about as effortless as drowning kittens, but without the guilt.

Anonymous said...

To loosely quote a US blogger from a few weeks ago...

Why don't they just use the US Constitution? It's a pretty good document that was written by a bunch of intelligent men and the US isn't using it any more.