Tuesday, August 09, 2005

How to embarrass yourself utterly in one easy step.

This is what happens when conservative bloggers try to get clever, and end up over-reaching:

But where are the thinkers of the left? Where are the serious essayists, the scholars, the contemplators who would provide balance to the sheer intellectual power of the above? ...

I went looking through the big liberal blogs, and was left wanting. Atrios? Nope. Eschaton? Nope.

Identifying the overwhelming stupidity in the above prose is left as an exercise for the reader.


olivia said...

Heh... Nice catch CC. Not a great way to start of an essay on the dearth of lefty 'thinker' blogs.

CC said...

I wish I could take credit for it. See here, under "Ultimate Wingnut Challenge: The Blog Stars", point 5.