Wednesday, September 03, 2008

When reality becomes merely an annoyance.

Blogging Tory and member of Open Bathrobe and Dangling Genitals Media Damian Penny wishes you would stop being so freakin' obsessed with all that fancy-shmancy book larnin' 'n' everything:

Of course, a Presidential candidate's position on sex education - or the theory of evolution, for that matter - really shouldn't be an issue, since schooling is a matter best left to the states.

A fair point, Damian. After all, what business is it of the electorate if a candidate for the most powerful position in the most powerful country in the world is a frothing fundamentalist nutbar, or howling scientific illiterate? I mean, it's not like they can actually do any damage or anything, right?



M@ said...

What about a candidate's position on book banning? Are we allowed to bring that up?

Beijing York said...

What about her position on defrauding the federal coffers for millions or abusing political power to launch a personal vendetta?

And yes, you would hope that any electorate would want an educated and intelligent person as their leader.