Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Party all night, "Nuit Blanche" style.

A few of us irrepressible party animals will be doing "Nuit Blanche" this coming Saturday in Toronto, preceded that afternoon by drinking, socializing and possibly hot tubbing earlier in the day somewhere at a downtown hotel.

So get your party hat on and, if you want to join us for any or all of the above, drop me an e-mail and we'll fill you in. Not surprisingly, it's going to be a discreet guest list so, no, Patrick, no mullets allowed.


Anonymous said...

Oh, you're going to have such a good time!

I can't do it this year, since I've got (would you believe) a blogging conference all weekend through the WordPress people, so I'm missing it for the second year. Darnit.

Enjoy yourselves!

Luna said...

When are you coming to Victoria, dammit?

Ti-Guy said...

I ferried my parents around last year's Nuit Blanche. We were home by ten.

Whatever you do, leave the geriatrics at home.

sooey said...

Talk about me!

Sheena said...

That whole "Patrick" and "hot tub" thing in the same blog post is kinda freakin' my shit out right now.

Sheena said...

Do you KNOW the price of fcs eye acid these days, man?

Oh, and word verification is making me type "scuzvrr" you prevert.

Ti-Guy said...

That whole "Patrick" and "hot tub" thing in the same blog post is kinda freakin' my shit out right now.

I love these kids. There so fresh, innovative and articulate. No worries about the economy here.

Social Security, here I come!