Saturday, September 20, 2008

My feelings are important. Yours, not so much.

Shorter Suzie All-Caps: "Having whinged on and on and groaningly, mind-meltingly on, week after tedious week, about how deeply, horribly offended and traumatized I was regarding Henry Morgentaler's Order of Canada, I would now like to mock someone else's discomfort. It's just what I do."


Ti-Guy said...

Ah, the poor, obsessive-compulsive Nitouche. She's overwhelmed by the trillion dollars in welfare being doled out to rich people, so she has to focus on the tiny sums meted out by HRC's because those are amounts of money she can understand.

deBeauxOs said...

But as usual, Blob Blogging Wingnut misses the big picture, such is HER focus on spinning meretricious fabrications about those that SHE considers unworthy of compassion, so unlike HERSELF, toiling daily in servitude to Roman Catholic Church propaganda.