Over at Kate McMillan's Down Home Tacky Airbrush Cafe and White Peoples' Country Kitchen, we have a guest blogger who goes by the handle of "Captain":

Whereupon, if we follow said link, we arrive here:
Terrorists and Leftists Have Something in Common
at which point the author methodically and painstakingly, um, well, makes a complete, total and predictable ass of himself.
But that looks like such fun, I might have a go at it myself. Um ... Blogging Tories and Jew-hating Nazi sympathizers who think the Holocaust was a knee-slapping hoot and should be exploited for political purposes have something in common.
There you go.
Here at CC HQ, we're all about the brevity.
What funny tastes those martini-swilling elitists over at SDA have.
Man, Captain's post just goes on and on and on and on...
I've never seen a class of people less qualified to comment on psychology, social movements and geo-politics who nonetheless believe they have the authority to do so interminably.
Captain calls himself an economist...I suppose that goes some way to explain the American economy.
I'm sorry, but is this right: the big thing that terrorists and environmentalists have in common is their ego? As opposed to a moron who calls himself "Captain Capitalist" and tells people to get comfortable before they enjoy reading his own post?
So much stupid in the world...
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