Monday, September 15, 2008

Hoist. Petard. I'm sure you can figure out the rest.

It seems like only yesterday that Canada's Most Awesomest, Amazingest Blogger Kate McMillan was getting downright moist over those fantabulous Fox News TV ratings.

Then again, the better FNC's ratings, the more people get to see this kind of vicious, crippling beatdown. I'm guessing that's not exactly what Kate had in mind. Call it a bonus.


Ti-Guy said...

That's what happens when you name your kid "Tucker." Or, "Tucker" is a name obviously genetically-degenerate parents choose for their kids.

Dr.Dawg said...

Can you imagine what the schoolyard is like for those unfortunate kids?

Southern Quebec said...

Let's see...what rhymes with Tucker? ....I KNOW!......:)

Ti-Guy said...

I wasn't thinking along those lines at all. It's just that the three "Tuckers" I'm aware of..Tucker Max, Tucker Carlson, and Tucker Bounds... are all fucking jerks.