Friday, September 19, 2008

History's lessons lost.

Shorter Premature eJankulator: "As a Blogging Tory, I am mortally offended that others would look down on conservatives intellectually."

Yeah ... he went there.


Cranky Hank said...

This is interesting because in my experience it is the cons that love to shove, among other things, their education (and where they got it) into the faces of us lesser mortals.
During the last provincial election here, the local PC candidate's literature gushed over his History degree from Queen’s University and the fact that he “knew” how government worked by virtue of having studied it in his Master’s programme at the London School of Economics. This coupled with his “real world” experience working in think tanks, on volunteer boards of directors and as a staffer for various politicians certainly trumped the qualifications of his Liberal opponent who merely had hands-on experience at the municipal and provincial levels of government. For some strange reason the voters didn’t see it that way and re-elected the Liberal by a wide margin.
When it comes to the issue of education versus experience, I recall a former boss who said that these attributes were like beauty - it’s not how much you’ve got, but rather what you do with what you’ve got.

thwap said...

It would have been nice if that moron knew how to provide a link that's relevant to his post.

Once again, for emphasis, his leader Stephen Harper, the man of the people, believes that the reason Canadians disagree with him is because we're all ignorant fools.

Red Tory said...

Where's the article Janke is pulling that from? All the links on his post are technorati tags that essentially just loop back to his own post.

David Webb said...

Here is the quote. It's from Pique Newsmagazine.

It doesn't sound as bad if you read it with your Bill O'Reilly rage-filter turned off. Which Steve can't do.

Red Tory said...

Thanks. Does sound a tad snooty and self-important, I have to admit. What a silly thing to say.

thwap said...

That's what I thought. University degrees don't prove you're smart.

But I couldn't see the original context because Janke couldn't figure out how to provide it.

And, again, it's not as if his glorious leader is immune from self-satisfied elitist pomposity.