Friday, June 11, 2021

Yeah, about those burning bridges ...

One of the most amusing aspects of the all-consuming dumpster fire/train wreck that is Rebel News is the unshakeable determination of Obergruppenfuhrer Ezra Levant to burn every last bridge so that his remaining core demographic are racists, bigots, Islamophobes, anti-Semites, lunatics, crackpots, Western separatists and the population of Red Deer, Alberta. How else to explain his obsession with utterly alienating every single group he once depended on for all that dosh?

Here's Ezra trashing the shit out of Ontario premier Doug Ford:

Here's Ezra making it clear that Alberta premier Jason Kenney can go suck a tailpipe:

And the less said about the smoldering disaster that is the CPC, the better:

You'd think that, after a while, Ezra might look around and wonder, "Gee, where did everyone go?" But that would require some self-examination, and we all know that ain't happening.


Anonymous said...

Ezra's product is rage, and like any addiction, his users require ever increasing doses to achieve their high.

That's not a smug bon-mot, by the way - it's the literal truth. Anger releases dopamine, adrenaline and energizing hormones that are useful to an organism in danger, but which, when generated on a daily schedule as a user sips their coffee, becomes as literally addictive as the coffee itself.

Ezra is peddling the same chemical jolts as "Tour of Duty" or "Grand Theft Auto", and he is constantly adjusting his product to maximize the hit. That's one reason why every word, action, decision, or policy coming from the Federal government is labelled "Trudeau's..." Like a dealer lacing heroin with fentanyl, it adds that extra little kick of hate for anyone west of Ontario or anyone who hates "the French" - you know, the Rebel readership. I once counted NINE completely irrelevant references to "Trudeau" in a three-sentence, one paragraph Keean Bexte rant.

There is literally NO coherence to any of the Rebel's editorial positions on anything any more, no link to any recognizable set of ideal or principles - just rejection of moderation or reason in any form, and an embrace of whatever infuriates Ezra's diminishing swarm of rage junkies.

Purple library guy said...

Hang on . . . I thought rebel was backing anti-maskers. So why on earth is it bothered by Jason Kenney doing something that skirts Covid restrictions?! It's not like he's a Moslem or something.