Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Five years late but what the hell ...

While I'll have far more to say about Rebel News' sketchy "Fight The Fines" fundraising campaign, I am absolutely fascinated by this recent admission by Rebel Obergruppenfuhrer Ezra Levant:

That would be Ezra, openly admitting that donations to Der Rebel are not eligible for charitable tax receipts, and here's why that is so entertaining.

Those with long memories might recall that Ezra sued me for defamation back in 2016 for talking smack about his Fort McMurray fundraiser, and a fundamental plank in Ezra's complaint was that it was defamatory for me to claim that, as neither Ezra nor Rebel Media was a registered charity under CRA guildelines, donors to his fundraiser were not going to get tax receipts as, quite simply, they were not eligible. I did not think this was in any way a remarkable statement, as it was simple CRA regulations; Ezra, on the other hand, howled that my stating that was clearly defamatory, and malicious to boot.

Fast forward to 2021, wherein we find Ezra now openly admitting that I was, in fact, entirely accurate and that Rebel News is not qualified to give out charitable tax receipts.

It is going to be an interesting trial.


thwap said...

Astonishing. Ezra says so many crazy things you think he'd have crashed and burned years ago. Maybe nobody with a vested interest really paid him sustained attention as you're doing.

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to your in depth commentary on the current Rebel grift.

Ezra is now boasting that "Fight the Fines" has "more than 1,800 Fight The Fines clients!" By which I assume he means that 1,800 people have sent in their names asking for help. In his pitch, however, he refers to "theoretically 1,800 trials". In other words - once we've taken our cut for salaries, website, operating expenses and coffee, we'll see how much is left over for the lawyers. They'll figure out how many boilerplate, paint-by-numbers cases their minimum profit margin will allow them to take on. (All risk free, of course - their fees are paid, win or lose. Too bad about your fine, there, buddy, but we have lawyers to pay...)