Monday, June 07, 2021

Jesus Christ, the burning stupid.

If ex-Rebeler Keean "Tomorrow Belongs To Me" Bexte were any dumber, he'd be David Menzies.

GOOD LORD ... even letter writers to the Edmonton Sun see through this idiocy:


Anonymous said...

I'm guessing Bexte is unaware that Kenney was part of the Harper government back in 2007 when this formula was put in place, and also has no idea that the formula can't be changed by a single province?

Anonymous said...

What they're doing, of course, has no actual legislative or constitutional point. I guess they're trying to pull a Quebec, and stoke Wexit-style resentment to the point where it's a useful political tool - not for Kenney at this point, but for the various lunatic conservative fringe parties popping up like fungi on the decaying corpse of the Kenney government.
Because of course, threatening to cut ties with Canada is EXACTLY what the oil industry and the economy of Alberta need right now. Nothing reassures investors and promotes industry expansion in a collapsing market like the threat of separation.

Anonymous said...

Interesting day in Rebel Country. It was the the first time that one of their "Fight the Fines" cases, that of Pastor James Coates, actually tabled the argument that his constitutional "right to worship" had violated. The judge dismissed every one of those arguments, creating a precedent that will sink future silly Rebel legal actions on that basis.

So far their massive "Fight the Fines" cash grab seems to have successfully challenged a handful of tickets for minor procedural flaws (about the same number as any ambulance-chasing shyster would win in court), while implying that each victory was a huge triumph for freedom of speech and religion. At least today's court decision will shut down THAT specific fantasy.