Wednesday, June 16, 2021

JUXTAPOSE! (Holocaust edition)

After offending pretty much everyone by comparing U.S. House of Congress COVID-19 mask mandates to the murder of six million Jews, GOP congresscreature Marjorie Taylor Greene apologized after visiting the Holocaust museum, where she was heard to utter, "Wow ... so that's what the Holocaust was about?"

Taylor Greene's appalling ignorance regarding one of the most horrific genocides in history brought a swift rebuke from historical culture gatekeeper Ezra Levant, who is always ready to lash out with accusations of anti-Semitism against, well, just about everyone, and his savage and brutal beatdown of Taylor Greene for her stunning insensitivity was ... was ... hang on ...

Apparently, Taylor Greene is getting a pass here, but just you wait until next time, yessir, just you wait ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ezra is a Quisling.