Friday, June 18, 2021


Man who filed for publicly-funded personal bankruptcy to avoid massive defamation judgment will now crap all over publicly-funded stuff.

You can't make this up. You just can't.


Anonymous said...

JUXTAPOSE! Man ignores 40 years of fiscally irresponsible provincial governance in Alberta by conservatives places entire blame for Alberta's financial woes on recent one-term party.

Anonymous said...

Patrick probably gets to go to the dentist because his parents pay for it. That man wouldn't last a week in society if his parents didn't provide him shelter and food.

Patrick doesn't care that dental pain can hurt profoundly, and that many people in Canadian society don't have the resources to take care of that "luxury."

Hopefully the $122K judgment will put Patrick in poverty once it is fully enforced. Then maybe this Conservative crank will learn empathy for the less-fortunate.

MgS said...

I'm pretty sure that Patrick sees himself as very, very clever for having run about and avoided accountability for so long.

... and like most idiots, he doesn't know how stupid he is.

jhayward9 said...

The end has finally come for Patsy.

As of yesterday, he officially ended himself. Publicly humiliating himself in the process.

Today is a great day.

Anonymous said...

Wait ... so Patrick is bragging about beating up a gay guy? Well, it was only a matter of time, I guess.

jhayward9 said...

Patrick must not have much to brag about these days. He is clearly reaching.

Anonymous said...

Twatsy accused a guy of sexually assaulting a 13 yr old. Doesn't that piece of shit realize people have lives and potential employers could see his posts against someone? Of course not. Employed and patty are fleeting terms which rarely have been used in the same sentence. Imagine his poor dad supporting that waste of skin. His mom passed recently so thankfully her days of being disappointed by her son are over. From the looks of things skinner has been kicking twatsy all over the place posting ross' restraining order application after patrick was saying peter was scared of him. It shut up patsy real quick.