Thursday, December 01, 2005

The generals have finally had enough of Donald Rumsfeld.

Oh, man ... I've been just waiting for something like this to happen:

When UPI's Pam Hess asked about torture by Iraqi authorities, Rumsfeld replied that "obviously, the United States does not have a responsibility" other than to voice disapproval.

But [General Peter] Pace had a different view. "It is the absolute responsibility of every U.S. service member, if they see inhumane treatment being conducted, to intervene, to stop it," the general said.

Rumsfeld interjected: "I don't think you mean they have an obligation to physically stop it; it's to report it."

But Pace meant what he said. "If they are physically present when inhumane treatment is taking place, sir, they have an obligation to try to stop it," he said, firmly.

I knew it was coming -- a high-level military officer finally telling Rumsfeld to suck it. Too bad it took this long. (Read the entire WaPo article -- Pace clearly doesn't give a fuck what Rumsfeld thinks anymore.)

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