Thursday, December 01, 2005

Come on, Steve ... just call them "faggots" and get it over with.

I'm not sure it's possible to be more politically suicidal than Stephen Harper, given just the opening of an editorial in today's Globe (I have the treeware version in front of me and, trust me, I'm not quoting anything out of context):

Just what does Harper intend on gay marriage?

Did Stephen Harper learn nothing from the debate on same-sex marriage? The Conservative Leader has revived his party's opposition to the marriage of homosexuals without explaining how he would follow through. He raised the subject on Tuesday without being prompted, perhaps because he figured the controversial question would arise sooner or later and it was best to get it over with. But he didn't get it over with. He said that if the Conservatives formed the next government, he would arrange a free vote on whether MPs wanted legislation to restrict the definition of marriage -- to change it back exclusively to the union of a man and a woman. "If that motion is defeated, we won't proceed. If it is passed, we will proceed."

Dear Steve: This is why people who still have working opposable thumbs aren't going to vote for you. It's not that you're a homophobic bigot. It's that you're too stupid to know when to just let it go and move on.

And that's why I fully support Stephen Harper for the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada. I don't see why I need to go to the effort of dousing someone with gasoline and lighting a match when I can just give them the matches and point them at the gas can, knowing what the outcome is going to be.


Anonymous said...

Hey CC, glad to have you back.

Steve Harper's campaign is kind of like watching a wrestling match. You always kind of know who's going to lose, and the fun is seeing how you get there.

ricky said...

Steven Harper and his team? I cannot imagine him as Prime Minister. Handing the matches out to some folks, using the police to douse others and sending "our Straight" soldiers to war.

So being gay would get you out of Iraq, it maybe safer there come to think of it if Harper were to be PM and you were gay.