Saturday, August 06, 2005

Why right-wing blogging pundits really are a bunch of total dickheads.

It's not like you needed any more proof that conservative bloggers are a pack of snotty, holier-than-thou whiners with feelings of entitlement but, what the heck, I was in the neighbourhood.

Start, if you will, with this link at Think Progress, to arrive here, where Nigel Hawthorne Chesterfield IV and his polo buddies simply can't fathom why their precious Commander Chimpster is about as popular as incontinence at a hot tub party.

Nigel (or "H-Bomb" as he's known to his polo ponies) is totally, totally ticked that the Ipsos-AP poll shows that 49% of the respondents appear to lean left, while only 39% incline to the right. In a world of random polling, this is, of course, completely unacceptable to Nigel -- yet another reason why conservatives should never be allowed to do arithmetic.

His nose still firmly in the air, Nigel continues: "As for the 21% of respondents who aren’t even registered to vote? Well, not to sound rude, but who really cares what they think?" And, by George, who does care what they think? (Ignore that the poll question actually asked, "Are you currently registered to vote at this address, or not?" since that qualifier is mere nuance and, as we all know, conservatives just don't do nuance, it being intellectually taxing and all and best left to the experts.)

Finally, Nigel seems a bit put out by one of the surveyed demographics: "Question D14 is curious, too. 14% of respondents make less that [sic] $15,000 per year?" And if there's one thing that really irritates conservatives, it's being told what poor people think. Because if those people don't like being poor, well, gosh darn it, they should have invested more wisely in the market. Or been born with richer parents.

You know. Like Nigel.

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