Monday, November 06, 2023

Gosh, that's too bad.

Well, darn:


I'm sure Ezra Levant and Rebel News will step up and help out financially, right? Right?


C. Mike Hunt said...

Anonymous said...

Headline doesn't mention he threatened his wife and went to Scott Moe's home.
A poor dim fellow who never followed politics and his first attempt at critical thought made him gullible to the online liars and the convoy jerks.
He should have listened to his wife.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Ezra can use this guy to grift. And grift this guy.

Seems like a nice, smrt, erudite guy:

He admits that in the heat of the moment he said things to his ex-wife, which caused him to be charged. He eventually accepted a plea deal. He is on probation until the end of November.

Ewanchuk also admits to being arrested for harassment of Premier Scott Moe and his family. He said that he had gone to the premier’s home in April 2022 and had the door slammed in his face.

“I left a note with my full name, address, phone number, email and social media. Six months later I was charged with harassment.”

He said he had wanted to talk to the premier “man to man, heart-to-heart” about issues facing the province during COVID-19.

Ewanchuk said that COVID-19 had opened his eyes to what he called corruption within the system so he had joined the truckers Freedom Convoy to Ottawa in January 2022, but not driving his truck.

“I jumped on with the convoy in my beat-up car and the $200 I had left to my name," he said adding that's all he had left because he wouldn’t “comply with this sh**.”

Anonymous said...

He was an oilfield trucker. I wonder if his job is gone due to automation which probably would have happened without the pandemic.

I also wonder if oil companies and others found the pandemic useful as an excuse to reduce the work force. But no, blame Trudeau and Moe and refuse to notice times are changing.


CC said...

ValJ: It is entirely possible that his being such a total asshole hastened his departure from his employment. A man who behaved the way he did to his wife and child probably didn't treat his co-workers much better. And walking off his job to hang out with right-wing nationalists, racists, bigots and neo-Nazis in Ottawa probably didn't endear himself to his boss.

He's not suffering because of COVID-19; he's in this predicament because he is a petulant child with anger management issues.

Sort of like someone else we know.

Anonymous said...

We know too many of that ilk.