Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Chronicles of Twatrick: You don't say.

Collected wisdom from an undischarged bankrupt university dropout who spent years sprawled on the couch in his mom's basement playing video games, making unwatchable YouTube videos and harassing random people on Twitter.


Anonymous said...

The lack of self awareness is almost astonishing, but this is Twatrick we're talking about

MgS said...

I see Patrick is in the “you don’t look disabled to me” crowd (along with deceased former premier and bipedal beer swill Ralph Klein).

Not all disability is visible, but those that aren’t visible are still debilitating.

Coolxenu said...

Jebus Cripes, everything that idiot says or publishes is a confession.

ALso, I have been banned from Xitter so... my defense of James Woods on mastodon.....
