Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Ah, the dishonesty of right-wing hacks.

I'm sure you've seen at least a few examples of this -- right-wing asshats like Jason Miller quoting the one line from Judge Arthur Engoron, without following it with Engoron's very next line, quite properly clarifying that Trump's purpose is not to ramble on like a deranged Barbara Kay, but rather to answer the questions specifically put to him by the NY AG and her team:

P.S. The most amazing thing about Donald Trump and his lawyers in court is that, one, his lawyers seem utterly unfamiliar with the most basic rules of court and what they are and are not allowed to do and, two, they have not even remotely prepared their client for how to behave.


Anonymous said...

His goal for this trial is to reinforce his campaign image as an embattled hero being grievously oppressed by a corrupt government. His strategy is not unlike that of Dane Menzies; push and aggravate the cops until you elicit a hostile reaction, then brandish that reaction, out of context, as evidence of your oppression.
That part’s obvious. What I don’t get is his endgame. The court and the law don’t care about the grandstanding, he will be judged according to law, and in the absence of any real defense will be stripped of a major portion of his income. What does he actually think is going to happen?

MgS said...

This is deliberate on Trump’s part. It fulfills two purposes:

1) He gets to use it as campaign fodder (and his idiot followers will lap it up)

2) It will be used by Trump’s legal team on appeal as demonstration of bias on Engoron’s part

Trump has been sued enough times that he knows full well what the procedures of court are, and that judges don’t appreciate witnesses who make lengthy, rambling speeches while under oath.

Anonymous said...

I don't think *anybody* can make Trump 'behave', except maybe his dead father.

Anonymous said...

MgS: I get that, but I keep thinking about the amusing "Sovereign Citizen" videos in which these yahoos loudly and violently assert their right to operate according to their own fantastical legal system. Every one of those cases ends the same way - with a judge (amused, exasperated, furious, impassive) saying in essence: thanks for the guided tour of your troubled little brain. Now back to the issue at hand. Guilty.

Brian Busby said...

Anon @5:27 PM, I believe Trump can be made to behave if spanked with a rolled up copy of Forbes magazine.