Friday, December 16, 2005

Yeah, well there's a reason for that, you know.

Hey ... are you talkin' about me? Are you talkin' about me?

Alcohol use survey by B.C. group shows Canadians are drinking more

... The report suggests that alcohol consumption in Canada has increased by 13 per cent since 1997.

"Alcohol consumption in Canada is rising," said Stockwell, citing figures between 1997 and 2004 compiled by Statistics Canada.

If you were a progressive blogger and had to read some of the mind-numbing swill left in your comments section, I guarantee you'd be hitting the sauce a little more often, too.


None said...

Mind numbing comment: Does'nt that upward trend coincide with Martin's Government taking power...

Anonymous said...


Your nonpareil wit both refreshes and informs.