Thursday, December 15, 2005

Oh, those fighting neo-con chickenhawks.

Inspired by TBogg, we have this. Then we have this. The prosecution rests.


Anonymous said...

I don't know what you are trying to prove other than you are using logical fallacies again (as usual).

Anonymous said...

Let me parse it for you, Anonymous, since you're not only a craven coward (viz. too much of a pussy to post even a nickname) but also too fuckin stupid to make elementary logical deductions which would bite you in the ass if they were a snake:

The US places that contribute the most fighters to the Iraq War, as shown by this map of the US places with the highest number of casualties, are also the places least likely to have voted for Bush.

That means, you cretinous fucktard, that all the nacho struttin' and bellowin' about goin' to kick some Iraqi ass from the part of the idiot right is simply so much hooey: the real fighters, the strong silent types who are doing the dying for you and your ilk, come from "blue" states which did not vote for Bush.

Is that clear enought, Anony-Mouse?