Sunday, December 18, 2005

And the far right start turning on their own.

And welcome to CNN's newest regular feature: Wingnut versus Wingnut, in which two clinically insane right-wing whack jobs disagree vehemently on the same issue.

Start just a bit more than halfway down the page and appreciate California Congressman Dana Rohrabacher lying his face off when he states:

ROHRABACHER: No, that's not -- Bob, you haven't read this. No, that's not hypothetical at all. One of the cases that was involved in this, was someone who was attempting to blow up the Brooklyn Bridge and because of these wire taps, we were able to stop that.

The claim above is crap -- Rohrabacher is apparently referring to the story of a truck driver from Ohio who was allegedly plotting to bring down the Brooklyn Bridge with -- get this -- a blowtorch. And if you really want to know how seriously to take that fable, well, knock yourself out:

After months in secret captivity, the prisoner--a young truck-driver with a history of mental problems--broke down. In a secret court session, he confessed to planning a series of crimes against the state. The success of this covert operation was announced by the head of the regime's internal police forces. His declaration--that a citizen had been snatched, interrogated, threatened and broken in secret, outside every stricture of the country's old constitution--was greeted with cries of admiration in the national press.

Incarcerating mentally ill, pathologically deluded truck drivers. Your American tax dollars at work.

... Just in case you really need to understand how much of a total flake Dana Rohrabacher is, savour this bit of idiocy (emphasis added):

ROHRABACHER: And by the way, how do we know who wasn't deterred from blowing up other targets. The fact is --

"You need to buy this elephant repellent."
"Um, but there are no elephants around here."
"See how well it works?"

I'm just waiting for the first dipstick wanker to not get the analogy.

: Apparently, that whole "But illegal wiretapping saved the Brooklyn Bridge from terrorism!!" meme is spreading like wildfire. Here's yet another dimbulb who clearly didn't bother to read past the opening paragraph of whatever he was skimming:

This is not a game. Domestic spying saved the Brooklyn Bridge. Read the story.

Now there's some precious advice: "Read the story." Good plan, Don. Any time you're ready.

Jesus Christ, sometimes I'm embarrassed by my species.

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