Sunday, December 04, 2005

Rendition subjects oughta move to Kapuskasing.

What the hell?

A mysterious Twin Otter plane owned by an alleged CIA front turned up in northern Ontario this fall, raising unanswered questions about why it was there...

A Bar River airport official said he does not discuss planes that use the facility out of respect for customers' privacy.

"I suggest you don't pursue this any further," said the official, who asked not to be named.

These are not the droids you're looking for.

1 comment:

Cathie from Canada said...

"I suggest you don't pursue this any further"
WTF does this mean? Are we all suddenly living in the middle of a James Bond movie?
"You haf relatives in the old country, yah?"
"Sigh ze papers, old man, or we kill the girl."
"Be vrerry, vrerry quiet, its rabbit season."