Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The intellectual level of the wankersphere.

Is there anything so jaw-droppingly stupid that Bill O'Reilly won't say it on TV?


Anonymous said...

Short answer.


Whetam Gnauckweirst said...

Long answer: There's big bucks in being an onair blowhard. Rush Limbaugh rakes in the sort of salary MLB outfielders earn for his bilious outbursts. O'Reilly is no exception. These guys are in it for the money and the ego-thrust of gassing on before legions of Plebeians who mistakenly think this form of entertainment differs one iota from that proffered by Survivor or Traders.

It's the ghastly "Anne Coulter Effect" that causes people like O'Reilly to up-the-ante by launching grosser and grosser diatribes. Once you've seen the half-headed lobster-handed boy in the carnival freak tent, its shock value immediately begins to diminish.

So then they roll out Bill O'Reilly and his incredible festering mouth...

Because all television is about is filling time in between commercials, end of story.