Friday, December 09, 2005

If you want to slap the chimp, you'll have to take a number.

Man, it seems like everyone's getting in on the act of laying into the Bushies regarding climate change and the Kyoto protocol:

Former President Clinton told a global audience of diplomats, environmentalists and others Friday that the Bush administration is "flat wrong" in claiming that reducing greenhouse-gas emissions to fight global warming would damage the U.S. economy...

Most delegations appeared ready Friday to leave an unwilling United States behind and open a new round of negotiations on future cutbacks in the emissions blamed for global warming.

Might as well ... it's not like they were coming along for the ride anyway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sadly, the fact that the US is paying any attention to a Canadian will remain a top story in Canada, though now no one south of the border will be paying any attention to Martin's comments. Criticism of Bush, and by Clinton? I think that might preempt any Canadian bashing. The right-blogosphere in the US might explode. One can hope anyway.