Thursday, August 15, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Wheels in motion.

As I mentioned recently, an anonymous commenter (really, I have no idea who it is) suggested that Patrick, while yapping his face off at a Lloydminster burger and beer joint, disclosed that he is occasionally hanging out at Casa Ross and that he is prepping the place for an October sale. No evidence was presented for this, but it does make a certain amount of sense as it has been over a year since the passing of Ken Ross, and one assumes that unless that family of gormless hillbillies wants to keep the property, they would really, really, really want to unload it and take the cash.

In preparation for that possibility, I have been in touch with, well, various authorities and, for once, I'm going to play this close to the vest to not give Patrick any warning of what I'm organizing; I will say simply that, the instant I learn that that house is on the market, things will start happening. I have been advised by people who know this sort of thing that, yes, I do have legal recourse in the event that Casa Ross is sold and part of the proceeds is destined for Patrick. More than that, I'll keep to myself for now.

So now, I guess we wait, as my Lloydminster confidential informant continues his surveillance.

P.S. I think I can safely disclose the following while keeping the rest in reserve.

If (and I stress if) my anonymous commenter is correct and Casa Ross is being prepped for sale, it is entirely possible that that family of goobers has played games with the will in the sense of having Patrick removed from it for the purpose of claiming that he is not receiving anything I can seize. I have been advised that that would be a dangerous strategy for them and here's why.

If all of Patrick's siblings share in the proceeds of the sale but Patrick gets nothing, a court would be very interested in the oddity of this situation, and I would (predictably) make the argument that this is a childish attempt to defeat my collection enforcement. The obvious argument on my part would be to have the court order those goobers to turn over all versions of the will, including earlier versions that might have included Patrick. But here's where it gets dangerous.

I would not just be arguing about Patrick's potential share of the sale proceeds. No, I would argue that none of the proceeds can be disbursed until this issue is resolved, which means that no one would be getting any money while this matter works its way through the courts. And given that, if they fight this, it could conceivably take years, that entire gang of gormless halfwits might be sitting on their hands for quite some time as this is contested.

If Patrick and his siblings want to take that chance, I have the time and the resources. Let's see how badly Patrick's family members want to protect him if it comes to that. Oh, and if I eventually win, it's almost a certainly that I would be awarded substantial costs. So, yeah, bring it on.


MgS said...

There is a possible scenario where a private sale could take place, in which case there would be no listing that you would see.

I can think of several private sale scenarios that while dodgy AF could play out and end up with Patrick being the tenant in the property for the foreseeable future.

However, all of those scenarios still result in a title transfer occurring.

CC said...

MgS: I did say that I am not giving away all of my strategy.