Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Living rent-free in Patrick's head.

It's kind of sad-making that undischarged bankrupt and financial fugitive Patrick Ross has this obsessive need to stalk my Twitter account and respond (stupidly) to everything I publish ... here's the latest excretion, wherein Patrick insists there is nothing to see regarding the Pierre Poilievre Kirkland Lake bot farm story, despite it having actually trended on Twitter yesterday:

But Patrick's obsession is also driven by the fact that, well, no one on social media reads him (47 views, whoo hoo!), whereas my simply asking a question yesterday generated almost 85,000 views:

It can't be much fun being Patrick and realizing that your life sucks and no one cares what you think.


RossOwesDay said...


CC: Lives rent-free in Twatsy's empty, cavernous head.

Patrick "Twatsy" Ross: Owes CC over $500 monthly in interest alone, on top of his crippling >$120,000 defamation debt.

Purple library guy said...

I wouldn't be bragging about that too much. I mean, what a place to live!