Friday, August 09, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Not sure what's going on here.

Apparently, Kid Cash Nexus Thunderbolt Super Mullet Babe Magnet Swamper Thing is crowing about ... well, not sure, something about currently winning Ross v Day II (whatever that is):

So let's recap, shall we? Since 2010, I have with respect to Patrick:
  • Won (by default) my lawsuit for malicious defamation, with a resulting judgment against Patrick of $75,000 plus costs
  • Forced him in 2012 to declare personal bankruptcy (in which he still resides 12 years later, with little chance of ever getting out)
  • Defeated his 2014 motion to get an absolute discharge from bankruptcy
  • Succeeded in having his 2014 appeal of the above dismissed as abandoned
  • Defeated an idiotic motion from Patrick accusing me of perjury and harassment
  • Won my action to have him removed from the protection of bankruptcy, thus reinstating the original judgment amount (plus interest), and had the accruing interest rate kicked up to five percent
  • Won my motion to register my judgment in Saskatchewan
  • Successfully filed to initiate collection proceedings in Saskatchewan (which is still in effect)
In the meantime, Patrick filed a defamation lawsuit against me in August 2022 which he has done nothing with and refuses to proceed with. But, sure, I'm the one that's losing. Whatever helps Patrick sleep at night.

I will, this weekend, have some previously undisclosed news about Patrick's defamation lawsuit against me, and you won't want to miss it.

P.S. Poor Patrick is currently crowing about the Kirkland Lake bot farm story being a "nothingburger." Seems like a pretty substantial burger given the news coverage it's getting.

LET THE SURVEILLANCE BEGIN! I have just arranged for regular surveillance of the Casa Ross residence in Lloydminster for at least the next several weeks, in which my confidential informant will be taking copious notes of the activity in that vicinity, noting in particular who appears to be there and at what times, vehicles that come and go, any activity related to cleaning out the house or the garage and so on.

If things get interesting, I am assured there will be photos.

1 comment:

RossOwesDay said...

Glass Joe (lifetime record: 1-99) is more of a winner - in both life and fighting - than Twatsy Ross.