Thursday, October 10, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Still looking for attention.

I suppose it was only a matter of time before massively-indebted undischarged bankrupt and self-described teen stud muffin Patrick Ross, knowing that no one reads his dreck, tried to insert himself into my Twitter timeline to leech off of my popularity. Given that Patrick gets (on a good day) in the low double digits for any one of his childish tweets, it must have been maddening to look over and see the 70,000 views in less than 24 hours for my recent thread on church burnings, and to decide he wanted in on all that readership.

(Until now, Patrick had been smart enough to keep his distance from my Twitter account, but it must have been too much for him to see all that viewership and not want to grab a piece of it for himself like the attention whore that he is.)

To no one's surprise, Patrick was as spectacularly dishonest as he always is, such as when someone pointed out that the alleged list of church arsons contained numerous accounts of simple fires with no mention of arson, to which Patrick leaped in and countered with (and I am not making this up), "Oh, yeah? Well, you can't prove it *wasn't* arson." That would be Patrick, demanding that someone else prove a negative. (I'm guessing that that follows Patrick's internal logic that suggests that if he accuses someone of being a pedophile and he is challenged to provide proof, he would snap back, "Oh, yeah? Can you prove he *isn't* a pedophile?")

I have no intention of letting Patrick try to attract attention by riding on my coattails, so he's been blocked from my Twitter account. I'm sure he will respond maturely by some sort of name-calling or childish denigration. Whatever. But he can go back and play in his own sandbox where he knows almost no one is interested in whatever he has to say.

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