Thursday, August 22, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy Lawsuitversary!

It is now exactly two years since undischarged bankrupt and vexatious litigant Patrick "Super Mullet Stud Muffin" Ross filed his idiotic and meritless defamation lawsuit against me, and has subsequently made zero effort to move it along in the courts, and two years seems long enough before starting to think about filing to have that stupidity dismissed as abandoned.

Regular readers might recall that that is exactly what I did with Patrick's asinine appeal of his Conditional Discharge Order -- an appeal he "filed" in late 2014, then let languish for over three years, whereupon I filed to have it dismissed for want of proceeding, and the judge agreed with me entirely, writing (in part) of Patrick's pathetic appeal (the reference in para 14 to "Mr. Day" should actually read "Mr. Ross"; otherwise, the paragraph makes no sense):

The upshot of that 2018 ruling was to kick Patrick's appeal to the curb as abandoned, clearing the way for all of the subsequent legal ass-kicking I administered to Kid Cash Nexus Thunderbolt etc etc etc.

In any event, I think two years grace is more than enough for someone who, while making no effort to proceed with his own lawsuit, nevertheless has spent countless hours bragging about it on social media. We'll see what the court thinks of that sort of childish arrogance.

BONUS TRACK: An early part of the same ruling shows J. Barrington-Foote summarily dispensing with Patrick's feeble rationalizations for why he did nothing with an already-filed appeal for three and a half years:

Hilariously, even the judge makes fun of Patrick's submission, quoting the unnecessarily pompous use of the word "deleterious," then further disembowels the rest of Patrick's childish whining. And when I eventually file to have Patrick's current lawsuit dismissed as abandoned, you can rest assured that I will be using the above as Exhibit A of Patrick wasting the court's time exactly like this in the past.

In the end, Patrick's own contemptible behaviour with the courts is going to come back to bite him big time in his burger-infused butt.

ABOUT PARA 15: It's worth noting that the judge, in paragraph 15 above, makes it clear he is aware that Patrick, rather than restricting himself to issues related to his 2014 bankruptcy appeal, is trying to re-litigate the original judgment from back in 2010, which means that after all those years, Patrick still does not understand how the law works.

It is a fairly basic principle of law that, when in court, you confine your arguments to the matter that is before the judge, and you cannot arbitrarily start whining about other stuff. At the time of the 2018 hearing above related to Patrick's dormant and moldering bankruptcy appeal, it was long established that I had sued Patrick for defamation, I had won that suit by default, Patrick no longer had any recourse to object to that ruling, Patrick had filed for personal bankruptcy, and at his 2014 hearing, he was assessed a Conditional Discharge Order (CDO) to pay a certain amount per month for a number of years.

None of the above was reviewable, other than that final issue of the CDO -- that was the basis of Patrick's 2014 appeal, and my subsequent filing asked the Court to throw out that appeal due to obvious lack of interest on Patrick's part to move forward with it. What this means is that the only issue before the court was my request to dismiss Patrick's appeal, while Patrick's job was to convince the court to allow it to move forward. That's it, that was the entirety of the motion before the judge, nothing more.

And yet ... and yet ... Patrick decided to bitch and moan about how he didn't like the original judgment, and perjury, and harassment, and various nonsense, which the judge (as you can read) had no patience for. None of that was relevant to the hearing that day, and it is depressing that Patrick (who loves to brag about his stellar legal acumen) chose to embarrass himself that way. He lost that motion, of course, because he chose to obsess over irrelevancies rather than address the actual issue.

Patrick is not very good at law. He never has been.


RossOwesDay said...

Wonder if Twatsy is telling Penny, Chris and Jennifer something like, "I'm totally winning this lawsuit against Cynic where I sued him for eleventy zillion dollars. So don't worry about this piddling $120,000 debt currently on my ledger."

CC said...

ROD: While what you're suggesting was almost certainly true for the first few years, I suspect that, by now, the rest of that gaggle of ditchbillies are well aware of the trouble Patrick is in, and how it's affecting the disposition of assets.

It's difficult to believe that they are so clueless as to not have finally figured out their vulnerabilities related to the late father's estate, and how I will be doing what I can to muck up the sale so I can collect what Patrick owes me.

If any of them had an ounce of sense, they'd be on the phone to me, offering to turn on Patrick in exchange for my assurance to not jeopardize *their* inheritances. I just don't think they're that bright.

MgS said...

If there is a grant of probate, the will is now public document available through court records.


If they are preparing to sell it this fall (per rumours), that suggests that a grant has been issued, or is imminently due to be issued.