Sunday, October 20, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy interestversary!

Yes, it is now a full 38 months since a Saskatchewan judge told trustee-less, undischarged bankrupt, financial fugitive and 40-something Patrick "High School Chicks Dig Me" Ross how much he owed me and cranked up the annual interest rate on that amount to a whopping 5 per cent, to the point where Patrick is now indebted to me for over $120,000 (an amount increasing by several hundred dollars every single month), suggesting he is never, ever, ever, ever, ever getting out of debt or bankruptcy -- an embarrassing situation for someone who openly brags about being the smartest d00d on the Intertoobz.

This is also around the time that a previous anonymous tipster suggested that the residence of the late Ken Ross was going on the market in Lloydminster so, once again, I invite my loyal and long-suffering readers who are in that area to take a spin by Casa Ross and see if there is a "FOR SALE" sign out front, or signs of any other finalization activities I should know about. (As always, I will not post the address; regular readers will know what it is and if you don't but want to help, email me at and I'll provide it.)

In other Patrick-related news, it is also now 26 months since Patrick filed his meritless defamation lawsuit against me -- an action that he has failed to pursue for quite some time, not only because it is utterly worthless, but because in order to push it along, Patrick would have to provide an actual, physical address for legal service, and we all know he's not going to do that, so his action just lies moldering until I finally decide to invest the effort in having it tossed. (Another reason Patrick is not going to move on this lawsuit is that he knows that that would involve him having to return to court, where he is aware that massive unpleasantness awaits him in the sense of various parties that would dearly love to get ahold of his pasty, bankrupt ass for legal reasons.) But there is one more upcoming development.

While I have been diligent in not going after Patrick from my CC Twitter account, that is almost certainly going to change later this fall, and this should cause Patrick some concern given that I have a fairly sizable readership of just under 14,000 followers, and if I decide to unleash all of them on finding Patrick, it's safe to say he's toast. I haven't done that yet, but the time is coming.

In any event, I am working like a rented mule these days at a job I absolutely love; I am eating well, drinking very good gin, and preparing for a U.S. Thanksgiving long weekend at my favourite annual cabin getaway, where we will keep the cast-iron wood-burning stove going and spend the entire weekend chilling and reading, all while Patrick is wondering how to stay one step ahead of The Man.

Until next month, then.

P.S. Um ...

... given that Patrick has no idea what took place during discovery, he might want to be a bit more circumspect about making such claims. Also, publicly claiming that I lied under oath is yet more defamation, but Patrick has never been one to exhibit anything resembling good judgment.


Augray said...

If I recall correctly, there was a discovery that you weren't the only person trying to server Patrick with, um, "stuff" . Did you ever discover the identities of these other parties?

RossOwesDay said...

Have you managed to access the wills of Carol Ross and Ken Ross? There's some evidence that the kids liquidated Ken's automobile assets, and Twatsy may have received a decent windfall from that, even prior to a sale of the Lloydminster house.

CC said...

Augray: I have no idea who any other parties might be.