Friday, July 26, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy lawsuitversary!

It was August 26, 2022 when undischarged bankrupt and greaseburger recycle bin Patrick "Yeah, ladies, I'm single" Ross filed his frivolous and meritless defamation action against me -- an action that included childish whining about stuff that happened, literally, over 15 years ago, and which consisted for the most part of complaints against two other people (one of which is not identified to this day). So you can see how successful this action will be if Patrick ever tries to proceed with it ...

... which he has not, so I'm thinking that maybe after two years have gone by, it might be time to file to have his idiocy treated as abandoned or, in the alternative, to ask the Court to order Patrick to get his crap in order and move ahead with it, which would involve him having to disclose all sorts of information and to sit down for an examination under oath ... an examination which would include Patrick having to disclose stuff like, you know, employment and address and inheritance.

So Patrick has had almost two years to move this along. I'm not holding my breath.

P.S. Perhaps the most baffling part of Patrick's August 2022 filing is this opening to Paragraph 4:

"In 2008, the Plaintiff served upon Defendant Day a libel notice ..."

Perhaps my memory is going but I do not recall ever being served with a libel notice in 2008 by Patrick Ross or anyone else. I'm fairly sure I would have remembered that.


Brian Busby said...

Time to file and request compensation for the time and bother, I say, particularly if a lawyer is involved.

CC said...

Brian Busby: All expenses are being carefully recorded, and you can rest assured there will be a filing for costs on a full indemnity basis.