Friday, August 16, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Of bounties and surveillance.

As a bonus for my loyal and long-suffering readers, I will gift you with another snippet from one of Patrick Ross' affidavits related to his meritless defamation lawsuit against me, just so you can truly appreciate the utter lack of foundation it has -- this bit comes from a November 2022 affidavit, wherein Patrick is suggesting to the court that ... oh, just read it and we'll come back to it:

First, appreciate Patrick's desperate and painful attempts to sound high-falutin' and legalistic -- "financial inducements" in aid of "incentivizing" people to do certain things. Patrick really does love his five-dollar words, but what he is suggesting is simply ... weird.

With regard to my open and quite public invitation for people to check in on Patrick in Lloydminster and, further, to perhaps reimburse them for their trouble and gas, Patrick bloviates as to how this somehow constitutes offering an illegal "bounty" according to the Criminal Code of Canada [CCoC]. I have looked, and I have been unable to find anything in the CCoC that prohibits offering to compensate people for time and travel expenses. But it gets worse.

In terms of what I am asking for, I've been quite open in asking people to do nothing more than drive by the Lloydminster residence and let me know of any interesting developments. As long as one stays on public property, there is absolutely no problem with this, but Patrick subsequently launches into this pearl-clutching diatribe as to how those people are clearly not "licensed" to do such surveillance work and therefore it is "unlawful."

I could go on, but I believe you're starting to get the idea of the vacuousness of Patrick's filing against me -- his argument to the court is that, by trying to find him in order to enforce my collection proceedings against him, I am breaking the law simply by asking others to help me and perhaps reimbursing them for their expenses in doing so.

This is the level of absurdity to which we have descended.

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