Friday, August 27, 2021


Rebel News: "It's not surprising that a totally disgraced MP that was kicked out of his own party would turn out to be such a pathetic, opportunistic carpetbagger to think he can just pack up in Ontario and run in an Alberta riding as if Albertans would fall for that sort of cheap manipulation, but why should we expect any better from ... (*checks notes, sees it's Derek Sloan*) ... and our guest today is exciting newcomer Derek Sloan, a fascinating and accomplished politician with bold and vibrant ideas, and just the sort of candidate Alberta would be lucky to have".

Did I get that about right?

P.S. It is depressingly predictable that everyone at Der Rebel is giving mavericky ex-CPC MP Derek Sloan the common courtesy of a reacharound, since the evidence is overwhelming that Sloan is quietly pumping money into Rebel in exchange for all this fawning coverage, as demonstrated by the fact that the very first hit when you search for "Derek Sloan" at Rebel is (ta da!) a direct link to Sloan's own home page:

So, yes, Ezra's journalistic principles are, in fact, for sale, as long as you have a credit card.


RossOwesDay said...

Rob Anders' speech introducing Sloan in Airdrie was a real barnburner. He had Rebel Nation cheering when he personally endorsed horse dewormer as a COVID remedy.

Anonymous said...

Ezra must be terrified at the growing strength of the Conservatives. He NEEDS a Liberal government to stay in business.
He's put five years into selling his readership a strange vision of governance in Canada, in which:
a) EVERY federal policy, program, institution and law is the responsibility of the party in power. There is no distinction between the "The Crown", Parliament, and the governing party: EVERYTHING is "The Liberal...", under the party's direct control.
b) Even more specifically, everything "Liberal" is under the direct and personal control of Trudeau. Trudeau is a perfect red flag for Ezra's readership: francophone, Quebecois, and of course genetically accountable for everything from the much loathed National Energy Program to the Charter of Rights (which is fine when they want to misquote it to avoid vaccines, but which also gives uppity Indians and gays weird ideas about "equality".
Thus in Ezraland we have "Trudeau's" RCMP, "Trudeau's" CBC and so forth. And without the "Trudeau" prefix to poison government decisions and institutions, Ezra's rage (and revenue) generator will choke and die. He'll never manage to condition his rats to foam and gibber with references to "O'Tooles" CBC.
One wonders, then, whether his violent editorial turn against O'Toole and federal conservatives, and his fawning support of Bernier and Sloan, are actually a strategic attempt to undermine support for the only potential rival to the Liberal government Ezra so desperately needs in power.

CC said...

You forgot "Trudeau's" COVID jails, "Trudeau's" lockdown regulations, "Trudeau's" taxpayer-funded Harrington Lake residence, "Trudeau's" Taliban-loving minister, "Trudeau's" elections commissioner, "Trudeau's" gun grab, "Trudeau's" press gatekeeper, "Trudeau's" Bill C-10, "Trudeau's" tree planting program ... yeah, it does go on, doesn't it?

Purple library guy said...

And yet never "Trudeau's pipeline, which he bought especially for us when the private sector decided to dump it as a money-loser"

MgS said...

Ezra doesn't have principles. Even when he was a practicing lawyer, he had no principles.