Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Rebel News: Dumbfuck stupid or rancidly dishonest? You make the call.

Just last month, this was Rebel News' Alberta Bureau Chief and crushing embarrassment to her children Sheila Gunn Reid, touting the paradise that is Florida:

So, Sheila, how's that GOP fellatio working out for you? Well, shit ...

But here's the fun part. Der Rebel actually reported on this ...

leading to some of the stupidest and most gullible morons on the planet being utterly suckered by the obvious rage bait:

except that it was not an actual walkout, as, God help us all, even Fox News (along with many, many, many other media outlets) made it clear that it was a "symbolic walkout" that deprived absolutely none of all those abysmally stupid unvaccinated patients of medical care:

And that's why you don't read Rebel News.

I'm glad we had this little chat.

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