Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Quick! Donate! Now! Yes, RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!

In a shocking development, a court has kicked to the curb an indescribably idiotic, asinine, dumbass stupid constitutional challenge from Rebel News:

But if freedom-loving, liberty-adoring and, most importantly, intellectually crippled and irredeemably gullible donors can raise $6.7 million dollars (AUD), then Rebel News can keep subsidizing the lavish lifestyles of its legal colleagues.

Please ... think of the lawyers.


Anonymous said...

Seriously, what is it with Rebel's obsession with Australia? It's beyond comical at this point.

Anonymous said...

It's because they've got a mouthy, narcissistic convicted wife beater with long ties to Ezra (going back to the Tommy Robinson days) in Australia, willing to feed them material in the prescribed Rebel format. (i.e., look! cops enforcing the law!! )