Saturday, August 28, 2021

Dear Lord: Please give us a minority Conservative federal government.

No, no, I'm serious ... hear me out. I think it would be delightful to elect a minority CPC government, for a few reasons.

First, with no other party support, this would be a government that would collapse within months, like a flan in a cupboard. Imagine the amusement watching Erin O'Toole preening over being Prime Minister, only to have the entire thing crumble in front of his eyes due to an utter lack of support from the other parties.

The next delightful benefit would be that, if Justin Trudeau had any sense of shame (certainly not something you can count on), he would tender his resignation as leader of the Liberal Party, whereupon we could finally be rid of that blathering, utterly vacuous empty suit.

The most fun, though, would be watching the pompous twatwaffles at Rebel News have to suddenly pivot so that everything is now Erin O'Toole's fault --O'Toole's COVID jails, O'Toole's mask mandates, O'Toole's CBC, O'Toole's equalization formula ... the list goes on and on, and the worthless, racist colostomy bags at Der Rebel would have to totally update their letterhead to blame a whole new PM, counting on their intellectually retarded following to not notice how they've just been played.

Please, God, I rarely ask for much, but an utterly impotent CPC minority government would make my day.


Anonymous said...

Not to mention the delicious spectacle of an unpopular Erin O'Toole heading a fractious, divided party in attempting to deal with with the fiscal and public health aftermath of the last two years.

MgS said...

Elections have consequences - giving the conservatives a government - even a short lived one - is potentially catastrophic for a lot of Canadians - especially if they agree with the provinces to go after shredding the Charter with a bunch of ham-handed amendments. (and make no mistake, Harper's been salivating over that option for a LOOOONG time)

Speaking as a minority person myself, that prospect scares the hell out of me ...

Purple library guy said...

Hmmm . . . Well I will say that if it's hard for O'Toole to keep the rapacious business jerk side of the Conservative party and the wingnut racist, Dominionist, conspiracy theorist side from each other's throats now, just imagine after they think they've gained power and both want their agenda satisfied.

Foog said...

"delightful" isn't the word I'd use to describe a CPC government, however short-lived. But you've given me a bit of cheer at the increasingly likely prospect with this. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

You do make a compelling argument, but be careful what you wish for. Having these clowns in charge, even in an extremely weakened capacity, while we still haven't got this pandemic under control, could be a disaster. Trudeau really shot himself in the foot, calling this election when he did.