Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Calling bullshit, sight unseen.

A challenge for my readers: Over at Daimnation, Damian Penny apparently wants to show that we're all equally repulsive in terms of bloggery hate speech, or something like that (DO NOT FOLLOW THAT LINK YET):

The Coulters of the left

Patterico compiles a long list of repulsive rhetoric by left-wing commentators - and he doesn't even include Ted Rall or Michael Moore.

The point of this list is not to argue that leftists are more hateful than conservatives. There are many documented examples of hate speech on the right; Ann Coulter provides many examples, but she is not the only one. I publish this list simply to rebut the Greenwald-spawned canard that leftist hate speech is exclusively the province of anonymous trolls on the Internet. On the contrary, prominent leftists have said some pretty awful things.

There are more examples, and a vigorous debate, in his comment section. Surely we can all agree that there are plenty of wingnuts on both sides, right?

So, apparently we on the Left are just as guilty of racist, sexist, homophobic hate speech as Ann Coulter. That would come as a bit of a surprise to me but let's take Damian's indirect claim at face value.

Now, without actually following that link above (which I haven't since it seems to be unavailable at the moment so I finally gave up), I want my readers to suggest who they think Patterico might have in mind that could possibly compete with the right-wing stardom of Ann Coulter. See, I'm going to guess that the vast majority of Patterico's examples don't even remotely rise to Coulter's level of right-wing infamy and adoration. Rather, I'm betting Patterico is going to be giving us strictly third-tier "liberals" and claiming that this somehow evens everything out.

As I said, I haven't followed the link yet, and you shouldn't either until you make a guess or two. Personally, I'm going to toss out the names of Ward Churchill and Deb Frisch since, as we all know, those two are exactly equivalent to folks like Coulter in terms of importance.

And now, your guesses. No cheating.

. So I finally decided to pop over to Patterico's and ... what utter, unadulterated rubbish. Let's look at a few examples of Patterico's leftist hate speech, shall we?

First, from the Washington Post's Richard Cohen:

"For hypocrisy, for sheer gall, [Newt] Gingrich should be hanged."

OK, then, hands up, everyone who thinks Cohen was seriously suggesting Gingrich should be hanged. Come on, now -- let's see those hands. Yeah, I thought as much. It's called "hyperbole," but it's even funnier when you read the quote in full:

"But being a loathsome figure in this affair is not a crime and not cause for prosecution. If it were, we would have to do something about Starr himself, not to mention the gaggle of political figures who waxed indignant about Clinton's affair while they, as it turned out, did not exactly have a clean slate themselves. In this regard, justice and history itself demand that I mention Newt Gingrich, who unfailingly denounced the President for moral and legal transgressions while carrying on his own extramarital affair. For hypocrisy, for sheer gall, Gingrich should be hanged."

Yes, it really does read differently when you get the full paragraph, doesn't it? But let's not stop here.

Here's Chris Rock:

If President Clinton would pardon me I would whip Starr’s ass right now. I will get a crew from Brooklyn and we will stomp him like, like, we’re Savion Glover. We’ll stomp him like it’s bringing da noise.

Yeah ... comedian Chris Rock. That one's not even worth the pixels to refute. Movin' on, here's crazed, lunatic Howard Dean:

I hate the Republicans and everything they stand for ...

And your problem with that is? Oh, and this one's just precious, from Daily Kos' Markos Zuniga:

I feel nothing over the death of merceneries [sic]. They aren’t in Iraq because of orders, or because they are there trying to help the people make Iraq a better place. They are there to wage war for profit. Screw them.

It's going to pretty tough for me to take exception with that sentiment since, well, I said much the same thing a couple years ago:

No, Gary, they weren't patriots or heroes over which we should shed any tears. They were, according to your own newsletter, a bunch of trigger-happy play soldiers who were encouraged to get their jollies shooting Iraqis. And now they're dead. Fuck 'em.

The rest of Patterico's list is similarly pathetically lame. Jesus, is this the best they can do?

WHY DAMIAN PENNY IS SUCH A DICKWAD: You know, I wouldn't be so upset if Penny had titled his post, "People not on the Right who say unpleasant and offensive things," or something like that. Instead, he had the dumbass temerity to call it "The Coulters of the Left," as if the Left has anyone who even remotely competes with Coulter in terms of sheer fame, adoration, production and all-out seething ideological hatred.

So, just for the entertainment value, I'm going to throw it out as a challenge to identify a "liberal" who compares with Coulter on that score. Let's go, wankers, I want a name.


thwap said...

Al Franken. There's no comparison of course, but the bushlovers don't let facts stand in their way.

Keith Olbermann. Oh, he's so "angry."

An observation: Coulter doesn't really say anything, or provide any sort of analysis, does she? She just appears on tv and insults people.

Anonymous said...

haha! i followed the link THEN read the post. "repulsive rhetoric" - i like it. I LIKE IT A LOT!!!!!

but what does ann coulter say that's so bad everyone else on the right doesn't say it, too? doesn't she just say it first? i mean it's not like SHE smashed their countries, yaddayadda blahblah - the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES DID!!!!!

That guy said...

Well, looking over that post, I can see at least four problems with it: some of the people quoted are not of "the left" in any possible universe (Louis Farrakhan? Please); also, some of what they're quoted as saying is not "hate speech," just angry rhetoric; some of the quotations are merely hearsay; and many of those quoted are indeed pretty obscure.

Ti-Guy said...

The Right really doesn't understand the difference between hate and legitimate anger, or hate speech and insult.

Anonymous said...

Of course these people are pointing out the blatantly obvious--I'm told that what the right does is directly proportional to what the left does on any given day.
Just like the right ignoring the "Vet Hospital" problem is *exactly* the same as the left ignoring the "Gore uses 20 times more energy" problem
Coulter vs. Franken (or Keith...)--same difference!

Anonymous said...

I think you should uncork the champagne. The left is as hateful and bigoted as the right in the same way that Abramhoff (sp?) is a bi-partisan scandal.
When republicans are covered in shit, they tend to want to reach out and hug their opponents.

Anonymous said...

And comment 207 here-- http://patterico.com/2007/03/05/5901/leftist-hate-speech/ -- (link from CC's link) states it better than I ever could--
If you reduced your list to:
1) verifiable statements from
2) influential figures on the
3) American
4) left
5) within the last five years
6) who weren’t making harmless (with emphasis) jokes
7) and were engaging in hate speech (vs. criticism)

… you’d have a mighty short list. A lot of criteria? Sure, but you used a lot of gimmicks to pad your list. Use the same criteria on the right and compare. Ann Coulter alone would beat out the whole American left, and you know it.

And I know that you know it, because after 5 years of their blogging you’re still recycling the same Kos remark and trying to bust Atrios for a Douglas Adams quote. Is quoting Monty Python hate speech too? Where should we draw the line? "

Yeah, if you trot out something stupid that someone once said a while ago--hey, nice game.
How about looking at *every time* Ann Coulter opens her big yap.

M@ said...

Didn't Cindy Sheehan say some pretty awful, hateful things? and the Dixie Chicks?

They're almost like Ann Coulter, right?

Anonymous said...


In all honesty I'll have to nominate myself as a veritable font of derogatory spew that has so grossly offended a certain sector of our political discourse.

Once on an American forum under another nick I did refer to Miss Coulter and her colleagues as Repuguglies, but I meant it in a constructive way.
More as a reference to their support of the Bushco foreign policy which has brought untold death and suffering, thus resurrecting and confirming the Ugly American tag to so many.

So she laughed at the mention of the deaths of the UN observers in Lebanon last summer.
One of Blogger Spocko's KSFO audio clips recorded her remarking about the placement of US supplied ordinance as not being wasted by the Israelis.
It seemed to amuse her to no end.
I guess it depends on your point of view.
BTW, one of the observers was a Canadian.
Am I not supposed to take offense from a mind like that?

I even cast aspersions on our own Prime Minister in the form of an imaginary dialogue that could easily be misconstrued as to question his sexual orientation.
Boy, is my face red now.

So from now on are we supposed to play nice and not call the CPoC and their ilk things like poopyheads or fat ass sell-out morons bent on the destruction of Canada?
No more Godwinning the American administration just because they fit the definition of lying, thieving, fascist bastards to a T?

Alas, these tubes will fast become a dull and colourless wasteland with if the right get to dictate the terms of engagement.
No more cathartical rants that would make a longshoreman blush.
No more expressing in no uncertain terms our deep disgust and disapproval with their greed and shallowness.

On second though, I'll withdraw that mea culpa.
Why should we not be able to speak the truth of these sleazy lowlife sack lickers and hold them responsible for their actions.
Screw them sideways and hold up their grasping, twisted ways for all to see.

An anagram for TRUTH IS, curiously enough is IT HURTS.
Funny thing that.

Oh yeah, and one other thing.
Damian Penny, in case you're feeling left out, bite me.

Zorpheous said...

I said some really nasty things about Little Oral, Anal Annie, does that count CC?

¢rÄbG®äŠŠ said...

Zorph, no, she wanted you to talk like that.

Anonymous said...

I have, on many occasions, stated that it is impossible to spell Ann Coulter without using the letters r, e, a, l, c, u, n, t, and o.
Some might take offense at this observation, even though it is verifiably true.

Anonymous said...

Off topic, but...

Reportedly, a few years back Ann dated Dinesh D'Sousa.

I wonder what the mutated offspring of those two would have been (looked) like?

Oh shit - one can only hope they didn't make a kinky sex tape, because you just KNOW one day that thing will be all over the internet and the news. Antacids and Pepto sales will no doubt skyrocket.

Anonymous said...

Bill Maher.

Thermblog said...

Feeling better now kids? Goody.

Oh, just a tip; the scatological nature of the responses here, while found all over, seem to be the central theme. I think that's what causes some to find you foul-mouthed and lacking substance.

Uncle T.