Friday, August 04, 2006

Whatchu talkin' bout, honkies?

It's been moderately entertaining (which only shows you how easily entertained we are over here at CC HQ) to watch the faux outrage from the wankersphere over the Jane Hamsher photoshop pic of Joe Lieberman in blackface. It's quite the sight -- all them white folks suddenly getting all distressed over alleged racism.

One wonders what people who actually understand the concept of racism (that is, um, black people, you know) think of all of this, so I checked in with blogging stud (and, coincidentally, black person himself) Steve Gilliard over at The News Blog who doesn't really think much of Joe Lieberman.

And I hope I'm not breaching any confidences when I reproduce Steve's note to me in full regarding his opinion of Lieberman's campaign:

Fuck them. They insult the intelligence of black people with their election strategy. Now they want to complain?

Your data point of one: when actual research would be, you know, hard work.

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