Wednesday, February 07, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Where in the world ... ?

For someone who lives to talk smack about, well, everyone, undischarged bankrupt Patrick "Stud Muffin" Ross has been awfully quiet lately, what with no tweets on his "OutlawTory" Twitter account since February 2. This is disturbingly unlike Patrick, who rarely passes up the opportunity to publicly accuse someone of being a pedophile, so one wonders how Patrick is doing, whether he is still working up in the vicinity of northern Alberta (allegedly for Fluidpro), and how he affords the accommodations up there on a swamper's salary and without the financial backing of his parents anymore.

If anyone runs across Patrick, check that he's doing all right. And let me know about any further developments at the "Casa Ross" Lloydminster residence.

P.S. Irony:

Posted by a man with all the courage to accuse various people of pedophilia while hiding in northern Alberta from people looking looking to serve him.


MgS said...

Irony died some time ago where Patrick is concerned.

He thinks he’s some kind of legal genius, when his “legal acumen” doesn’t reach beyond “duck-and-weave” avoidance.

Meanwhile, he continues to call random people “pedophiles” online - proving that he’s learned exactly nothing from the court ruling in 2010, and every subsequent ruling on the matter since. It’s really quite pathetic.

CC said...

MgS: On the one hand, Patrick once insisted that no one will bother to sue him again given that he's bankrupt so it would be a waste of time. But there's another reason why Patrick thinks he's safe making smarmy accusations of pedophilia.

You see, Patrick loves to mangle the English language, and his claim is that, when he refers to someone as "Pedochuckles," what he's *actually* referring to is someone who he claims once made fun of people *victimized* by pedophiles. So Patrick's rationale for the descriptor "Pedochuckles" is simply one who chuckles at pedophile victims.

This is how Patrick thinks he's safe -- he thinks that if he eventually gets hauled into court for this, he can bluster on about how *he* meant the word to be used, ignoring the universal interpretation about *any* use of the qualifier "pedo." This is literally how he thinks -- that his bad faith and disingenuous arguments will play well in court.

It may be that he's about to find out.

Anonymous said...

If everyone could reported his @DragonFireIdeas account for impersonating his @Outlawtory one, for reasons of ban or suspension evasion, that would be terrific. You can do this by going to the profile page and reporting directly from the three dots by the main image.

He is working for FluidPro in Clairmont, Alberta. I was able to confirm this by calling their offices and asking for him. I left the phone number to the Saskatchewan Sheriffs office with explicit instructions for him to update his place of employment, address, and bank account information to resume garnish proceedings against him from maliciously defaming an individual in 2010. I made it clear to the woman I spoke with that this be done immediately due to his avoidance of providing accurate information to the Sheriffs and Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy offices.

I informed her I'm a private investigator from Lead Investigations Inc out of Calgary who's been hired for an online investigation to located him for several parties.

This blog has confirmed, accurately, on several occasions Mr. Ross' world is shrinking daily and avoidance of his personal legal issues is no way to settle them.

It's highly recommended he contact the Saskatchewan Sheriff's offices or Lead Investigators Inc at (403) 630-7173 to provide location information that will allow us to serve documents on his person.