Friday, February 23, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: The Skinner Alternative.

As it's no secret that undischarged bankrupt and vexatious litigant Patrick Ross is currently feuding with one Peter Skinner, it's worth reproducing one of Patrick's Affidavits in his lawsuit against me, this one filed on December 1, 2022, wherein one is puzzled by the fact that almost the entire 15-page Affidavit is devoted to Patrick's complaints, not against me, but against Peter Skinner. It is a baffling document in that it seems entirely off-point when Patrick is allegedly suing me.

I won't reproduce the whole thing, but I will present almost the entirety of the last page (holding back one paragraph for reasons that will become obvious shortly). Here you go:

Note well how Patrick goes on and on and tediously on with his complaints about Peter, then finally gets around to blaming me for ... not dealing with it? Apparently, my nefarious silence is what the court should hold me accountable for, as if I am someone else's babysitter or moral conscience or however Patrick wants to present it to the court.

But it's the very last paragraph of that Affidavit that is truly the capper on all of this complaining:

That's right ... after all of that whinging on, the best Patrick can do in the conclusion of his Affidavit is to reluctantly admit that he has nothing against me. It is truly a mirth-making document in its vacuity and indirectness, and I assume you are now seeing why Patrick is going to have some trouble trying to explain all this to a judge.

BONUS TRACK: Lest you not appreciate the abject silliness of this action against me, here's a single screenshot of paragraphs 30-37 of that same Affidavit, where you can see that Patrick refers to me twice, while referring to Peter Skinner by name 13 times.

One can only imagine the consternation of the judge reading this, and asking Patrick, "I'm confused ... who exactly are you suing here?"

AFTERSNARK: Some people have correctly noted how Patrick's pleadings and filings are, well, rubbish in that they are not so much legal arguments as they are childish whining and a vindictive grievance fest, a good example being the beatdown he got from a judge in 2021 after Patrick filed a 65-page(!) magnum dopus trying to prevent the registration of my judgment in Saskatchewan, to which the judge not only kicked Patrick's idiocy to the curb but even gave him a savage boot to the joy department while doing it:

So, yes, this is Patrick's pattern -- respond to careful and thoughtful pleadings and filings with spittle-flecked outrage and nonsense. Same as it ever was.


Anonymous said...

Looks like this could have been drafted by Alina Habba. It's more concerned with spewing vindictive criticism and whataboutism than introducing material evidence. Could be worse though, at least it doesn't veer into sov cit lunacy.

CC said...

Anon @ 8:59 AM: After all these years, Patrick has still not figured out that the whiny, dishonest, gaseous bloviating he uses on the Intertoobz does not translate to a courtroom. All of his legal filings look like this.

RossOwesDay said...

Twatsy's erotic fiction stories are more realistic than that shambolic legal filing.

Anonymous said...

He is doing his victim impact statement as if he has already proven his case

Anonymous said...

Patrick shares with others of his ilk (I’m thinking of the hilariously inept amateur litigator William Komer of TUPOC infamy) the habit of loftily lecturing judges on the simplest fundamentals of law. Judges always respond very well to that, I’m told.