Monday, May 22, 2023

Chronicles of Twatrick: Oh, look ... he's lying again.

Anonymous tipster brings to my attention this recent horseshit from Lloydminster's Patrick "You should take my financial advice" Ross, wherein Patrick claims that he is currently suing two different people for defamation:

I'm fairly sure he's referring to me as one of those two defendants, so let me assure one and all ... Patrick is lying. He is not suing me, and I will deal with this nonsense expeditiously since, unlike Patrick, I have meaningful employment.

Patrick started this nonsense back in about August of 2022, when he filed with the court in Alberta a nonsensical Statement of Claim for (among other things) defamation and harassment, wherein he listed three entirely independent defendants and used a single Statement of Claim to describe his petty grievances against all three people in one document. Despite being listed as one of the defendants, I was never served with this meritless claim.

Shortly thereafter, Patrick -- apparently finally realizing that that SoC was garbage -- filed to amend it to remove one of the other defendants. And yet ... and yet ... he failed to serve me properly and legally with that version, either. In short, if Patrick is referring to me in the above, he is (unsurprisingly) lying -- it's been almost a year since Patrick submitted that original application to the Court and, in all that time, I have yet to be served with it.

By the way, Patrick has a much bigger problem on his hands trying to sue me, but I'll explain all that later.

OK, IT'S LATER: And I will explain why Patrick is going to have a hard time legally serving anyone, not just me.

First, unless Patrick applies for and is granted substituted service on someone, he is required by law to serve anyone he wants to sue personally; that is, typically by using a process server who will then draw up and file an Affidavit of Service, attesting to the fact that someone was served properly and legally. That's not the problem -- Patrick can certainly do that.

The problem is that Patrick prefers to represent himself in all of this, which means that in order to properly serve someone, he must supply a valid address for service, so that the person he is suing can respond in kind. If he doesn't do that, the service is not valid. And that's where Patrick has a problem, since he refuses to disclose where he can be located in order for proper service to be effected.

In fact, recently, Patrick (quite stupidly) bragged about how he was in such fear for his well-being that he was going underground:

and now you can see how Patrick has pretty much boned himself up the ass. In order to properly serve someone while representing himself, Patrick must disclose where he can be served in return. But, as you can read above, he refuses to disclose where he can be reached, which means the service has no weight. And if Patrick claims that his legal address for service is his parents' Lloydminster address, it can be shown quite trivially that Patrick has a long history of claiming that as his address, only to refuse to sign for registered mail that shows up there, so that's not going to work for him.

Really, Patrick considers himself to have a dizzying intellect but, as it stands now, he's an undischarged bankrupt with no trustee who is no longer protected by bankruptcy's stay of proceedings, who owes me over $100,000 (increasing by 5% per annum plus associated costs), and who is currently on the run from the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy and the Saskatchewan sheriffs. So ... this isn't working out all that well for him after all.

I'm sure you're shocked.

1 comment:

thwap said...

I don't need to know anything else about his bikini designs over and above the fact that he once tried his hand at designing bikinis.