In a weirdly ironic example of timing, I had already planned to introduce the readership to the new resident here at CC HQ:

She's the one at the back -- I've named her "Runty." With my luck, she'll turn out to be a hulking beast.
And here's the tribe in days gone by, trying to figure what's so appealing about being up there:

teh kiitehs are evil on account of being so cute that they convince you to feed them and pick up their poohs n stuff.
yep. that does it. between this one and ape's post, i'm now compelled to go and waste an hour or so at youtube, watching teh kitteh videos. i do love me some burnsy.
They're adorable!
How were you able to restrain yourself and only keep one?
Is there anything more entertaining than a riot of kittens?
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