Saturday, May 07, 2005

BREAKING STORY!! Fox News leans slightly to the right!

Is this Freudian or what? Over at Media Matters, we have Fox News "reporter" John Gibson putting it to RNC chairman Ken Mehlman, raking him over the coals, ripping him a new one, laying on a savage journalistic beatdown:

MEHLMAN: These are important issues. The American people want to see us solve problems. The president is looking forward and hopes to work with Democrats to solve these important problems.

: Okay, but Ken, look, you're forcing me into the position of being a Democrat here -- which is an uncomfortable shoe for me to wear, but I'll do it for the moment.

Yeah, but it can't be quite as uncomfortable a shoe as, say, that of a real journalist, eh, John? I'll bet that would really hurt.

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