Ann Althouse doesn't like these:

And when she says this, "I don't want to bring up old flame wars. It's not as if I attacked them.", well that's the kind of bald faced lie that requires a pretty substantial set of these:

Rather than confront her own spurious version of reality, she does this:
Proving yet again, that Ann Althouse is the cat's ass:
You're welcome.
Well PSA, that was quite a start to my day. You titillated me, then made me feel inadequate, then frightened me, then disgusted me. And at least two of those reactions are identical to ones I get when reading Ann Althouse.
Well done!!
How do you titillate an ocelot?
You oscillate its tit a lot.
Brilliant. I can think of so many things that would be greatly improved when interpreted through the medium of cat. If you do SDA, there are all kinds of images you could use: claws, hair balls, litter boxes, those weird hairless cats, and something that captures the unholy catterwhauling that goes on when cats are in season. You could even use sound clips...
The possibilities are endless.
When I had this post up on my screen, my wife looked over from the couch and asked what the pics were she was seeing. So I read it out to her putting them in proper context and when I was finished she was having quite the hearty laugh. I just thought you might like to know that, and I will add I found it moderately amusing myself given the cats I have known in my own life...:)
You are just being mean to Annie. You know how she doesn't like that from the Left.
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