Thursday, December 15, 2005

Bush. Iraq. WMDs. Flip-flop.

Think Progress has an amusing piece about how (surprise, surprise!) the Bush administration has completely reversed itself on its rationale for invading Iraq (emphasis added):

On day that the United States invaded Iraq, President Bush said that we were doing so “reluctantly” but that “our purpose was clear” — to get rid of Saddam’s “weapons of mass murder.” (Note: Bush did not say “purposes.” According to Bush, there was only one purpose.)

Yesterday on Brit Hume, he said he would have invaded even if he knew there were no weapons of mass destruction. Would have been nice if he’d mentioned this earlier.

Cue numerous wankers harrumphing about supporting the troops, spreading democracy and lots and lots of purple fingers.


None said...

How much longer will Liberals keep trying to milk the "Bush lied" lie Kerry started in 2003?

This guy, Matt Amand, is still stuck on Nixon for crying out loud: Bush Takes Responsibility.

Whetam Gnauckweirst said...

(There is a vast difference between "mentioning" Richard Nixon and being "stuck" on Richard Nixon. All I say about Richard Nixon is that he is George W. Bush's moral superior.)

John Kerry did not create the "Bush lied" line. It's a fact: George W. Bush lied about the reasons America went to war with Iraq. Anyone following the lead-up to war in Iraq not via FoxNews saw that Bush's story was as flimsy as his moral authority. Sure, unless Bush actually takes a lie detector test, he is free to say, "Oh, I was misled by poor intelligence," but that's been debunked since he began using that lie.

Hey, you want to sail on a sinking ship, I say "Enjoy the ride."

None said...

President Bush:

"We removed Saddam Hussein from power because he was a threat to our security. He had pursued and used weapons of mass destruction. He sponsored terrorists (payments of $25,000 to human bombers surviving family). He ordered his military to shoot at American and British pilots patrolling the no-fly zones (pilots enforcing UN resolutions mind you)."

"Over the course of a decade, Saddam Hussein refused to comply with more than a dozen United Nations resolutions - including demands that he respect the rights of the Iraqi people, disclose his weapons, and abide by the terms of a 1991 cease-fire."

If you ask me, violating the Cease Fire Agreement alone justifies dropping the hammer.

President Bush on Iraq

Whetam Gnauckweirst said...

"We removed Saddam Hussein from power because

* he was a threat to our security. - lie

* He had pursued and used weapons of mass destruction. - lie

* He sponsored terrorists (payments of $25,000 to human bombers surviving family). - lie

* He ordered his military to shoot at American and British pilots patrolling the no-fly zones (pilots enforcing UN resolutions mind you)." - checking

If you ask me, violating the Cease Fire Agreement alone justifies dropping the hammer.

Right, and how many people were killed as a result of this violation? Why did no other country on the planet believe this was worthy of an invasion that has cost upwards of 100,000 Iraqi civilian lives? Liberation of the Iraqis seemed to mean liberating them from their corporeal bodies with "daisy cutters" and "bunk busters."

No, Bush's reasons for going into Iraq changed daily, and involved not just erroneous assertions, but patently, provably false statements, such as Saddam and Osama were in cahoots, Al Qaeda was supported by Iraq, etc. Christ, George W. Bush has closer ties to Osama Bin Laden than Saddam had.