Thursday, August 08, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Just because I'm feeling cruel.

I will have more to say this weekend about Patrick Ross' indescribably stupid (and dormant) defamation lawsuit against me; in the meantime, let's check in on Patrick's frustration with the fact that I am a popular, widely-read and much-beloved social media personality while Patrick is read by, well, nobody.

Here's one of my tweets from less than 12 hours ago, where you can see the 17K+ readers and, if you're curious, you can pop over there to catch the number of people who think I'm moderately entertaining.

Patrick, on the other hand, still being the creepy online stalker that he is ...

It must eat away at Patrick "Kid Cash Thunderbolt Quintuple Threat Nexus Super Mullet MMA Cosplay Bikini Designer Chick Magnet Alpha Male" Ross that I have such an audience, while he is read by, well, no one.

As it should be.

P.S. Patrick might note the proper use of smiley emojis is to put them on other peoples' work, not your own.

P.P.S. I would be negligent in not pointing out that even the mainstream media reproduces my work. Now I'm just rubbing it in.

AFTERSNARK: Perhaps the creepiest thing about so many of Patrick's tweets is not the fact that he adds laughing emojis to his own tweets, but that he hashtags so many of them to try to drive their engagement. And it still doesn't do him any good. It's just ... sad.


Purple library guy said...

I still can't get over him posting as (Alpha Male). The whole concept is stupid and based on retracted science about a different species, but leaving that aside, it's like being cool: If you have to say you are . . . obviously you aren't.

Anonymous said...

Ole triple chin has had a noticeable shift from harassing and stalking Skinner to harassing and stalking you.

Anyone know what Skinner did to stop him from doing so?

One day he was all over Skinner's timeline and then suddenly nothing. Skinner said he spoke to police about it. Odd Patrick stopped dead in his tracks just 24 hours later.

Might be worth a phone call to the GP RCMP to lodge a second complaint.

CC said...

Anon @ 2:30 PM: I have no problem with Patrick being the creepy online stalker that he is, since I simply take screenshots of it which will be useful when I file to dismiss his idiotic lawsuit against me, the point being that if Patrick has the time to stalk me online, he has the time to move his action along. He really is too dense to understand that all of his blar-har-haring online can be used against him in court.