Sunday, March 05, 2023

Chronicles of Twatrick: "Dodging and weaving" edition.

It is becoming increasingly obvious that undischarged bankrupt and perpetually bad-faith debater Patrick "Super Nexus Outlaw Mullet MMA Cosplay Creepy Stalker" Ross is doing whatever he can to ignore the recently-served mandatory financial questionnaire from the Saskatchewan Sheriffs; even worse for Patrick, he can't even mock it online since the slightest acknowledgement of it can be used as evidence that he's aware of it.

So as much as Patrick is going out of his way to pretend he's unaware of that questionnaire, if anyone wants to bring it to his attention, you have my permission. You can write about it on his Facebook page or, if you are currently embroiled in yet another bad-faith argument with Patrick on Twitter, quietly sneak in a reference during the discussion and, the instant he replies, a screenshot will be all the proof I need that he has acknowledged service. There are all sorts of ways to draw him out, so use your imagination.

Six days and counting ...

P.S. I see that, at the moment, Patrick is waxing stunningly ignorant about the issues behind the public funding of private and/or charter schools. Let me assure you, he is lying about every bit of that issue, but he can't take umbrage with me pointing that out since, you know, he'd be admitting he read this blog post and that would end badly for him.

In any event, if you run into Patrick, just remind him of his now legal obligation to the Saskatchewan Sheriffs. I'm sure he'd want you to.


Anonymous said...

So what if I leave something on his Facebook page, and he deletes it? Does that count? Or if I email him about this, and he replies? Or tweet and tag him?

CC said...

Anon @ 7:18 AM: All of the above (and more) is useful as long as you can establish that you, in some way, informed Patrick of the mandatory questionnaire, and that he responded in some way that shows he *must* have read whatever you sent or left for him.

For example, simply tweeting about it and tagging him would not (I believe) be sufficient. On the other hand, if he replied to your tweet, that would definitely show he read it. And even indirect evidence is useful; if you tweeted at him about this, and he suddenly blocked you, that is definitely suggestive and can be used.

Given Patrick's obsession with arguing with people on social media, it would be telling if one got into an extended shouting match with Patrick, at which point someone -- out of nowhere -- mentioned the questionnaire, whereupon Patrick went totally quiet and left the conversation. That sort of thing would most certainly be useful.

In the end, he will have to acknowledge this; there is no way he can continue to pretend he is unaware of this. At some point, even if Patrick succeeds in averting his eyes, the Court will eventually find that he was properly served and I will take it from there.

Anonymous said...

Why don't we all just swarm that little twit, and saturate his social media accounts with news about the questionnaire? He can't possibly ignore it all.

CC said...

I would rather you didn't. While it would be delightful to watch Patrick drown in a sea of harassment about his current situation, he will be brought to heel no matter how hard he tries to avoid it, and any expenses I incur in tracking him down will simply be added to his bill. At best, he can delay this by a few days. And, as I said earlier, if he refuses to fill out and return this mandatory questionnaire, then things will get less pleasant and more expensive for Patrick in a big way, regardless of how hard he closes his eyes and wishes it away.

Coolxenu said...


CC said...

I have nothing to do with that website.