Saturday, March 04, 2006

Not just despicable, but a little weird, too.

Following the trail of bread crumbs that Cathie left behind, we learn that the U.S. is quietly restocking on the environmental disasters that are depleted uranium shells.

Well, yes, I'm sure we can all agree that DU shells are "extremely effective in penetrating heavy armor," but what does that have to do with the insurgency in Iraq? The troops there are not under fire from rebels in armored personnel carriers. They're being targeted with small arms fire, rocket-propelled grenades, roadside IEDs and the occasional suicide bomber in a car or pickup truck. Not a heavily-armored vehicle to be seen, so what's the rationale here?

One is guessing that, with the increasing casualty toll over there, the American military is no longer thinking rationally. They just want some serious shit with which to blow stuff up.

DOING A LITTLE HOMEWORK: As the old saying goes, all you need to do is follow the money. All that nasty stuff is coming from a company named Alliant Techsystems. Who dey? Let's let Google do the heavy lifting:

Formed in 1990 when Honeywell spun off its defense-related businesses to share holders, Alliant Techsystems is a $2 billion-a-year defense contractor that serves as the Pentagon's lead supplier of small-arms ammunition and medium-caliber rounds. It also produces solid rocket boosters for Trident II ballistic missiles and the space shuttle, parts for precision-guided munitions and satellite-guided bombs, and anti-tank mines. With an annual production run of some 500 million bullets, Alliant also supplies ammo to local law enforcement agencies and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Well, they are busy little beavers, aren't they? The next paragraph is sort of amusing as well:

In late 2002, with war in Iraq imminent, a blogger named Dack Ragus included Alliant in his Perpetual War Portfolio, “an evenly weighted basket of five stocks poised to succeed in the age of perpetual war. The stocks were selected on the basis of popular product lines, strong political connections and lobbying efforts, and paid-for access to key Congressional decision-makers.” Other companies included in the portfolio were Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Boeing, and Lockheed Martin. “This portfolio can’t lose,” opined Ragus in an interview with the New York Post, “while Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Wolfowitz are in power.”

No shit, Sherlock. And if you keep reading:

Alliant made a killing off the Iraq war.

Ouch. Maybe it's just me but that's a pretty unfortunate choice of words, wouldn't you say?

FOLLOWUP? I'LL GIVE YOU FOLLOWUP. Hey, remember convicted GOP felon Randy "Duke" Cunningham? Here's one of his previous top 20 contributor lists. See anyone you know?

1 comment:

RossK said...

Thanks CC.

Great bit of follow-up.