Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Levees, topping, breaching and infinite dumbfuckery.

Oh, Lord, the timing here is just too exquisitely delicious to waste another minute delivering the good news. (If I was Dogbert, I would be wagging my tail frantically as I type.)

First (and you just knew this was coming), we have, well, you know, that idiot, mindlessly regurgitating every piece of asinine swill fed to him:

... So when President Bush was being warned about possible overtopping, the scenario that played out and caused the breaches wasn't even on the minds of anyone...

Oh, God, there's more and it's all uproariously nonsensical idiocy. Read it all if you can keep your gorge down.

And, on that note, let's return to actual reality here, where we find that, not only was the levee disaster that struck NO forseeable, well ... read for yourself (all emphasis slowly and lovingly added):

Findings by an Army Corps of Engineers-sponsored panel that the collapse of the 17th Street Canal floodwall during Hurricane Katrina was the result of an "unforeseeable" combination of events are contradicted by a 1986 research project done by the corps itself, National Science Foundation investigators said Monday...

Ray Seed and Bob Bea said the 20-year-old test, which included constructing floodwalls on existing levees and raising water levels to determine what pressures the walls could withstand, resulted in the same kind of collapse that toppled the 17th Street structures and flooded much of the city.

"In simple terms this was exactly the 'unforeseen' mode of failure" reported by the task force, the statement said.

Oh. Dear. In short, the Army Corps knew precisely what to expect as long as 20 years ago because they did overloading tests and the levees collapsed! What part of that can you possibly not understand? (Read the entire Times-Picayune piece to make sure I'm not misrepresenting anything.)

And, on that note, I'm going to make a plea, just this one time. Stay down, Jason. Just. Stay. Down. Don't make me hit you again, please. It's not even fun anymore. It's become boring and tedious and predictable and I'm betting most of my readers are just plain tired of it. I certainly am.

So just stay down. Do us both a favour.

JUST SO YOU KNOW, let me be painfully pedantic here. I'm willing to believe that George W. Dumbfuck himself never anticipated any levees breaching simply because he is so jaw-droppingly stupid, it's unlikely he could have understood anything anyone was trying to explain to him. That Bush was entirely clueless is absolutely believable; about that we have no argument.

But that's not what he said, is it? As I've written before, what he said was, "I don't think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees." And, as we've seen now, that statement is total crap. The Army Corps should certainly have foreseen it since their own tests showed them what was likely to happen.

So, sure, I'll believe that Bush didn't see it coming only because he is easily one of the stupidest human beings in the history of multicellular organisms. But no one else saw it coming? I don't think so.

: I've linked to this before but, to truly understand the mindset of people like Jason, you have to read this article by Glenn Greenwald. Most of you will appreciate it. Jason will never, ever understand it.


Anonymous said...

Bingo, but unfortunately. the "true" belivers are too far gone to recognize, digest, much less believe truth. I cannot believe the cult of anything - Scientoloty, Koresh, Hilton (as in Paris), Bush, Harper but the followers will do anything, believe anything except that their fearless leaders have feet of clay and are less than, shall we (kindly) say, great thinkers. How can these people not see, not know that their idols are hedonists for whom the idea of service extends to their own comfort and enrichment.
I think I'm going to retire to a mountain and contemplate my navel for a long time. It seems to work well these days.

The American Anthropologist said...

I think you should stop niggling over did he or did he not know the difference and ask the wankers *should* he or should he not know how to protect the country. (Or at least know the questions to ask)
On the tape he looks the same as he always does.. he just gives an empty promise with a sincere smirk and goes back to his ranch.

Rev.Paperboy said...

CC, I know Jason McDumbfuck is fun and easy to kick around, but please just ignore his dimwittery and quit feeding the fucking troll. There is no honor is besting an unarmed man in a battle of wits. Unless of course that man is Doughy Pantload or Michael Coren, in which case while there may be no honor in it, kicking the metaphorical crap out of them is just too much fun to be missed.

CC said...

AA writes:

I think you should stop niggling over did he or did he not know the difference and ask the wankers *should* he or should he not know how to protect the country.

In fact, I have made this point before. Ignore all of the semantics and hair-splitting and transcripts and just point out: With a massive Cat 5 storm heading for NO, how is it possible that Bush, at no time, asked if the levees might fail?

More than anything else, this cements his reputation as "Incurious George." If no one sits him down and explains it to him, he is apparently monumentally disinterested in just about everything, and can't be bothered to ask questions that would occur to an eight-year-old.

As you can see, though, this doesn't stop his diehard fans, who defend him with inane statements like, "Well, nobody actually used the word 'breached' in his presence, so how's he supposed to know?"

Such is the Cult of Bush.

Anonymous said...

Just for giggles, here's Jason/Jinx's latest spin. (The scraping sound you hear are goal posts moving)

It still boils down to 1 basic fact:

As the head of the Executive Branch, Bush is responsible for agencies like FEMA and enabling them to take appropriate action. In other words, wherever the ball was dropped, Bush is still inescapably responsible.

CC said...

I can't even get up the energy to kick that guy in the nads anymore. What a depressing waste of protoplasm.

Being Republican means never having to take responsibility. Ever.